Canadian Clubs/Members Administration Update
Beginning October 1st, Optimistes Francophones Canadiens (OFC) will handle the administrative duties for Optimist Clubs and Members of the St. Lawrence Region. Optimist International (OI) St. Louis Headquarters Office Staff will handle the administrative duties for Canadian Optimist Clubs and Members outside of OFC and Cross Border Districts.
Here is a list of things that WILL NOT change for Clubs outside the OFC Pilot Project:
· Canadian Children’s Optimist Foundation (CCOF) will continue to provide service and support to all Canadian Clubs.
· Junior Optimist International (JOI) will remain as is, embracing all JOI Clubs including those from OFC.
· Awards will stay consistent across Optimist International.
· Canadian merchandising will continue under the current Authorized Distributors.
· Payments will be made through the Canadian Banking system using all the current payment options available to Clubs.
· New remittance address for payment of Club invoices:
Optimist International
c/o M05835
PO Box 11409, Succursale Centre-Ville
Montreal, QC H3C 5H1
We encourage all Clubs to consider simplifying their invoice payment process by moving to ACH. ACH payments are safer and more convenient than traditional paper checks. To sign up for ACH, please contact the Accounts Receivable Department at or call: 800-500-8130, ext. 222.