
November 2021 Leadership Hotline

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Optimist International - OptiForum Presents

Ray Young International Coach/Speaker

Nov 17th, 2021 at 7:00 PM Central

Don't miss out! Click and reserve your virtual seat today.

Help us get the word out! Click here for OptiForum Promotional Video to share to your Club Members, websites, and social media.

Click for a special Celebrate Community Thank You message from Optimist International President Patsy Garner.

List of some important and helpful links for your Club:

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Passing of Past President Mark Shriver (2009 - 2010)

Optimists around the world fondly remember former Optimist International President Mark Shriver who passed away last week. Mark served as International President in 2009 - 2010 and led efforts to start the Internet Safety Program. He also promoted our current governance system in order to bring more continuity of leadership to the organization. Mark was a respected leader and a talented attorney who will be greatly missed by all who knew him. 


The Torch – Fall 2021 Digital Magazine is now available online!

The Torch is the official newsletter of Junior Optimist International. 

Click Here to read it online

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Global Spotlight Newsletter November 2021


Find out what our Global Optimist Community is doing, what new Clubs have formed ,and how you can sponsor or start a Global Club of your own. 


Click To Read More....

New downloadable marketing material - Be An Optimist images/videos and more!

Click here to download, like, follow, and share Optimism!

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Due to a worldwide shipping delay and supply shortages, the Optimist Magazine printed issue has been delayed. We thank our members for being understanding during this time and invite you to enjoy the digital issue prior to the arrival of your printed magazine.

Optimist Magazine – Fall 2021 Magazine is now available online!

Optimist is published quarterly in Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer by Optimist International, 4494 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108, a non-profit and incorporated association of Optimist Clubs in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America.

Look for the printed magazine in your post-mail to arrive soon for those who are subscribed to receive the hard copy.

Click Here to read it online

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Optimist International Foundation:

Board nomination deadline is December 1, 2021.


Click here for more information on Dime-A-Day

Optimist Junior Golf

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Recently the Optimist Junior Golf hosted the Optimist Junior Tour at Green Valley Ranch in Denver, Colorado.  The tournament had 91 players.  In the Boys 11-13 age division, Campbell McFadden had a hole in one.  The following link are the results

Next up is the Tournament of Champions, November 13-14, 2021 at PGA National Resort and Spa. This tournament is considered the best of the best based on the strength of the field. The tournament is ranked with AJGA, Junior Golf Scoreboard and, Golfweek. There are thirteen countries represented. Bahamas | Bolivia| Canada| Cayman Islands | Costa Rica | Dominican Republic | Jamaica | Mexico | Morocco | Puerto Rico | Russian Federation | United States | Uruguay.  Here is a list of the players playing in the tournament

Canadian Clubs/Members Administration Update


Beginning October 1st, Optimistes Francophones Canadiens (OFC) will handle the administrative duties for Optimist Clubs and Members of the St. Lawrence Region. Optimist International (OI) St. Louis Headquarters Office Staff will handle the administrative duties for Canadian Optimist Clubs and Members outside of OFC and Cross Border Districts.


Here is a list of things that WILL NOT change for Clubs outside the OFC Pilot Project:

·        Canadian Children’s Optimist Foundation (CCOF) will continue to provide service and support to all Canadian Clubs.

·        Junior Optimist International (JOI) will remain as is, embracing all JOI Clubs including those from OFC.

·        Awards will stay consistent across Optimist International.

·        Canadian merchandising will continue under the current Authorized Distributors.

·        Payments will be made through the Canadian Banking system using all the current payment options available to Clubs.

·        New remittance address for payment of Club invoices:

Optimist International

c/o M05835

PO Box 11409, Succursale Centre-Ville

Montreal, QC H3C 5H1


We encourage all Clubs to consider simplifying their invoice payment process by moving to ACH. ACH payments are safer and more convenient than traditional paper checks. To sign up for ACH, please contact the Accounts Receivable Department at or call: 800-500-8130, ext. 222.

If you are seeing this on our website or at your Club meeting and wish to receive the Hotline via email, please click the sign-up button below to sign up for the Optimist Leadership Hotline.

Troubleshooting if you are an Optimist Leader and have not received your monthly hotline email:

  • Make sure your email is current, updated, and entered correctly in the Optimist database.
  • Check your junk/spam folder.
  • Set up an email filter/rule, so that emails coming from Optimist International are not lost.
  • If you are still having any problems getting emails please contact us 
  • at:

Before you unsubscribe please note, If you unsubscribe to one email from Optimist International you are unsubscribing to all emails from Optimist International. To avoid missing out on other important Optimist International news, events, and changes please do not unsubscribe unless you want to unsubscribe to all of Optimist International, Junior Optimist, Golf, Program/Activities emails.

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